Company NameYamane seika Co., Ltd.
Representative’s name Masahiro Yamane
FoundedFounded in 1935 (Showa 10) / Incorporated in 1960 (May 1960)
capital 1000万
Business informationRice cracker manufacturing, wholesale, and sales米菓製造・卸・販売)
Company location2-4-14 Saranuma, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 123-0862(〒123-0862東京都足立区皿沼2-4-14
TEL /FAX 03-3897-3578 / 03-3897-3596

Message from the President

Rice is one of the main grains in Japan and has been loved and integrated into the lives of Japanese people for many years. For about 85 years, we have continued to make rice crackers with Japanese rice and have created products that have become a part of many customers’ lives. Nowadays, our lives are filled not only with rice, but also with various other foods such as bread and noodles. However, we will continue to challenge ourselves to create rice crackers without being bound by the framework of traditional methods, with our reliable techniques and fearless attitude towards change. All employees are committed to creating products with this mindset. We ask for your continued exceptional support and patronage in the future. Representative Director and President, Masahiro Yamane